Want to cultivate lasting intimacy for the long run?

Dr. Aly and her husband Sebastian offer this day-long workshop to help couples reignite the spark and create genuine desire and nourishing pleasure.


Sustainable Intimacy

Rekindle the Flame for the Long Game

May 21st, 2023 10:00am – 6:00pmOakland, CA

Do you and your partner crave that old feeling of excitement and passion that has faded into comfort and predictability? Losing the sexual spark is a challenge so many couples in long-term relationships face. It’s not uncommon to have different libidos, which can make sex feel like a chore and lead to resentment.

When intimacy gets stagnant it can be hard to find ways to reconnect that feel genuine instead of forced. Learning to reduce pressure, alleviate insecurities and shame, resolve conflict, and navigate the stress of jobs and parenting is vital for creating sustainable intimacy.

Dr. Aly and her husband Sebastian will help you reignite the spark with curiosity and creativity and provide practical steps you can take to make these changes last. Rediscover how to relate to your partner as a playmate, not just a teammate, so you can find your way back to a fulfilling and erotic dynamic.

In this experiential daylong workshop, you will:

  • Uncover harmful patterns that can arise over time and discover new ways to cultivate your sexual connection

  • Learn how to create a safe space to reconnect in new ways and build a foundation of intimacy beyond sex

  • Explore a menu of ways to connect during intimacy dates that will allow you to connect authentically and without pressure

  • Discover how to be able to increase your capacity for both receiving and giving pleasure

  • Acquire an array of games, exercises, and practices that will allow you to find easeful ways back to your desire and passion.

You will leave with a comprehensive roadmap of ways to explore your connection with genuine excitement, turned on desire, and nourishing pleasure. Rather than giving you a momentary boost of passion, we will provide you all the tools you need to create a sustainable and personalized path to lasting intimacy for the long run.

Early Bird Ticket

$325 for 2 people

available thru March 2022

Tickets for 2

$375 for 2 people

available after March 2022

Experiencing financial difficulties? Apply for a sliding scale ticket or send an email to create a payment plan.

  • “I've been to a few TurnON.love workshops. The content is on point, and more than that Dr. Aly creates a space that is fun, vulnerable, playful, and easy. It makes tackling potentially awkward or painful subjects much easier, and the tools I've gained are useful from the first minute I leave.”


  • Dr. Aly brings a wealth of knowledge to her workshops and takes a comprehensive approach, providing guiding principles and frameworks to organize your thinking on the topic, specific examples and actionable advice, and hands-on exercises to help you internalize what's being covered.


  • “Dr. Aly’s authenticity, subject matter expertise, and matter-of-fact presentation style made for a completely engaging event. Thanks for doing your bit to help people find a path to a more meaningful and fulfilling relationships."


your FacilitatorS

Dr. Aly and Sebastian

Dr. Alison Ash is teaming up with her husband and intimacy coach, Sebastian Clarke, for this brand new offering. In their coaching practice, Dr. Aly and Seb frequently work with couples in long term relationships who are struggling to keep the spark alive.

Through offering experiential practices, they support these couples to find new ways of being in connection with each other. It’s deeply rewarding for them to help couples unpack old patterns and unconscious habits and revitalize their intimacy to reignite feelings of excitement, desire, and passion.   

 Ready to begin?