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Learn On-Demand
It’s as easy as choosing a workshop topic, enrolling, and watching from the convenience of your home. Once you purchase the class you’ll have 30 days to start watching it - and once you push play you’ll have 72 hours to finish it. Take courses on your own or with a partner if you want to participate in experiential exercises together.
Get Out of Your Head in Bed
Do you ever wish you could get out of your head, reduce anxiety, and feel more confident giving pleasure in bed? Tap into your sexual creativity, learn how to stay immersed in your embodied pleasure while also attending to your lover's desires, and co-create the kind of sex you long for.
Sleaze-Free Seduction Skills
Tired of letting opportunities pass by because you’re afraid to make a move in the #metoo era? Unsure how to get freaky without being creepy? Learn to nonverbally and verbally flirt in authentic, accessible, and appropriate ways.
How to Eat Pussy Like a Champ
Explore the 5 central tenants of champ-quality pussy eating, supported with scientific info and live demos. Valuable for receivers who want to discover the many kinds of orgasms their pussies can have and co-create their own pleasure.
Navigating Non-Monogamy — Level 1
Explore the different types of consensual non-monogamy and identify which will work for you. Discover common pitfalls and how to avoid them, and leave with concrete suggestions that will help you survive any poly exploration. A suggested but not required prerequisite to Mastering Non-Monogamy: Level 2.
Mastering Non-Monogamy — Level 2
Discover tools for managing jealousy. Explore techniques for discussing fears and needs and negotiating agreements Receive tips for connecting with metamours (your partners’ partners). A follow up to Navigating Non-Monogamy.
The Ins and Outs of Play Parties
Play parties are a provocative way to explore your sexuality and relationships while connecting with others who also question the status quo. Yet, they can feel intimidating and intense without the right preparation. Discover how to cultivate new connections and feel confident exploring play parties solo or with a partner!
Free Your Fantasies
Do you want to explore your sexual fantasies but feel unsure where to start? Are you clear about your fantasies but uncertain if or how to tell your lover? Learning to cultivate a rich bank of fantasies will help you discover your desires, enliven your self-pleasure, and create more diverse sexual experiences.
Cultivating Your Pleasure
Most of us are not taught how to connect with our own bodies and discover our capacity for pleasure, which is essential for having nourishing sexual experiences with ourselves and with others. But you don’t have to struggle alone. Discover how empowering it can be to understand your body and cultivate your desire and pleasure on your own!
Refining Your Sexual Intuition
Too often we get stuck in our heads and doubt and fear limit our capacity to feel pleasure. Learn how to cultivate embodiment and your intuition, which enable you to feel pleasure from giving pleasure and makes you a better lover.
Repairing Ruptures in Relationships
Miscommunications are common, boundaries get crossed, and hurt feelings happen - but they don’t have to end in disconnection. Repair work is essential for building trust, deepening intimacy, and maintaining healthy relationships.
How to Pick Your Person(s)
Whether you’re looking for a hot date, a new lover, or a committed partner, how do you know if someone’s a good fit? Discover your non-negotiables, learn to own your needs, and create a filter so you can find the right person(s) for you.
How To Be A Feminist In The Bedroom
Discover how you can empower yourself by exploring yourself courageously, confidently advocating for your desires, and giving yourself permission to own your needs despite messages that tell us we shouldn’t.
Feel Your Way to Yes
Having an embodied understanding of your yeses and noes is fundamental for having fulfilling sex and nourishing relationships. Discover how empowering it can be to develop a relationship with your body and feel in integrity with your truest desires.
Workshops, Courses, and Retreats
Titles with hearts are available on-demand as well as live.