Want to be able to maintain multiple healthy relationships? Do you feel challenged by jealousy or unsure how to support your partner when they’re feeling jealous? Do you feel confident naming needs and negotiating agreements?
In this experiential workshop and you will:
Create systems that enable exploration and growth while also providing support and stability
Examine power dynamics in and across various types of relationship structures, and learn how to empower all participants
Explore techniques for discussing fears and needs and negotiating agreements with lovers and partners
Discover tools for navigating jealousy and other challenging emotions
Gain tips for meeting and connecting with metamours (your partners’ partners)
Empower yourself with the know-how and tools you need to have happy, secure, and fulfilling non-monogamous relationships.
Also check out Navigating Non-Monogamy: Level 1 on March 27th!
A suggested but not required precursor to this workshop
Can’t make these workshops on these date? Watch on demand!
“Dr. Aly’s approach to jealousy allowed me to explore it, along with other underlying emotions, as a call to action. Learning how to negotiate allowed me to connect with my and my partner's intentions for our explorations and how to structure them in a way that feels safe and accessible.” - D.G.
"I am so glad I got to be in a room full of folks exploring alternative relationship styles. Concepts, communication and mindset associated with a non-monogamy can be applied to many relationships as triggers related to power dynamics, jealousy and boundary setting come up in all sorts of relationship dynamics." - S.R.
“Dr. Aly was emotionally encouraging and answered all questions with care and grace. I left having discovered a new way of communicating my needs to my partners I hadn't had before. I can't recommend her class highly enough." - M.P.
Important Information
Please take an at-home antigen test on the day of the workshop and take a photo of your results. Tests can also be purchased at the door for $10. If you are feeling unwell or develop symptoms, please stay home. Masks will be optional.
Arrive early 10-15 early so you can find parking and get settled, or 15-20 mins early if you are planning to test at the door. You may want to bring a pen and a closed water bottle.
I welcome folks of all genders, sexual orientations, relationship structures, ages, body types, races and ethnicities. Unfortunately this venue's bathroom may not be ADA accessible.
A limited number of volunteer and sliding scale tickets are available. Apply for a sliding scale ticket or send an email to coordinator@turnon.love to volunteer.
Tickets are not refundable. You may transfer them to another pair of individuals but not to a future event.