Do you know how to tune into the wisdom of your body?
Having an embodied understanding of your yeses and noes is fundamental for having fulfilling sex and nourishing relationships. When you know how to listen to your own felt sense of your yes, your no, and when it changes, you will be better able to share your experience with others and ask for what you really want.
Discover how empowering it can be to develop a relationship with your body and feel in integrity with your truest desires.
Topics we’ll cover:
How embodiment is key for navigating ongoing consent
Numerous practices to help you ground and reconnect with your body
What yes and no feel like in your body, and what to do if your yes becomes a no
How to redirect touch so it’s more pleasure and de-escalate if the pace feels too fast
The relationship between your capacity, preferences, and boundaries
Ready to begin?
This course is available on-demand, ready to be viewed and completed on your schedule. When you enroll, you’ll have immediate access to course videos and materials.
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